Docker Deployment

A step-by-step tutorial to launching a PuppyGraph instance in a Docker Container


In this tutorial, you will:

  • Launch a PuppyGraph Docker container;

  • Explore an example graph using PuppyGraph Web UI.


Please ensure that docker is available. The installation can be verified by running:

docker version

See for more details on Docker.

The host machine needs to have minimum 10 GB of available disk space.

Start a PuppyGraph Container

Run the command below to start a PuppyGraph Docker container. This command will also download the PuppyGraph image if it hasn't been downloaded previously.

docker run -p 8081:8081 -p 8182:8182 -p 7687:7687 -d --name puppy --rm --pull=always puppygraph/puppygraph:stable

Access the PuppyGraph

Access the PuppyGraph Web UI at http://localhost:8081.

Sign in to PuppyGraph with the username (puppygraph) and default password (puppygraph123).

At times, the PuppyGraph initialization might still be underway, and the Schema page will display a prompt. Please refresh the page to see if the server is ready.

Once the server is ready, the schema page will appear as follows.

Explore the Example Graph

In this tutorial, we'll be utilizing the demo data supplied by PuppyGraph. Click on Use example schema/data, and the UI will show that loading is underway.

Once the schema is loaded, the page visualizes the schema of the graph.

PuppyGraph features a dashboard, enabling you to quickly access essential information from the graph right away.

The default tiles on the dashboard count the total number of nodes / edges and also display the sample data from the graph.

Cleaning up

To sign out, click on the button located in the top right corner.

Run the following command to stop and clean up the container.

docker stop puppy

Last updated