PuppyGraph introduces an intuitive dashboard designed to enhance your data visualization and sharing capabilities. Through it, users have the ability to create customizable tiles, each backed by graph queries.
This functionality allows for the predefined setting of graph queries, facilitating a streamlined process to not only analyze but also present complex data in an accessible manner.
Default Tiles

Vertex Count
It displays the total number of vertices in the graph. Type: Text.
Edge Count
It displays the total number of edges in the graph. Type: Text.
Vertex Labels
It displays the all the vertex labels together with the vertex count of each label. Type: Table.
Graph Samples
It visualizes sampled vertices and edges from the graph. Type: Graph.
Vertex Samples
It displays properties of the sampled vertices from the graph. Type: Table.
Dashboard Management
Adding a Tile
Click the plus button in the lower right corner of the whole dashboard.

Click plus button to add new tiles
Moving a Tile
Click the title area and drag it to the expected location.

Drag the tile
Deleting a Tile
Click the delete icon (trash can) in the upper right corner of the tile.

Edit or delete the tile
Resizing a Tile
Click the lower right corner of the tile and drag it to the expected size.

Resize a tile
Editing a Tile
To edit a tile, click the edit icon (pencil) in the upper right corner of the tile.
Tile Title
The title to display on the tile.
The Gremlin query responsible for generating the data intended for visualization.
Display Type: Text
A Text tile display the text value on the tile. It is good for displaying a single value.

Display Type: Graph
A Graph tile renders the nodes and edges on the tile. It has 3 different layouts: Radial, Vertical, and Force. It is good for displaying nodes, edges, and paths.

Display Type: Table
A Table tile displays the data in a single table. It is good for displaying properties of the graph or other tabular data types.