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Integration with NeoDash

This guide explains how to connect PuppyGraph with NeoDash to make graph queries and visualize results using NeoDash's dashboard interface.

Launching PuppyGraph in Docker and Explore the Example Graph

Start by launching PuppyGraph using Docker. Refer to the guide below for detailed instructions: Launching PuppyGraph in Docker

Launching NeoDash in Docker

To run NeoDash using Docker, execute the following commands:

docker pull neo4jlabs/neodash:latest
docker run -it --rm -p 5005:5005 -d --name neodash neo4jlabs/neodash

Connect NeoDash to PuppyGraph

▶ Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:5005.

▶ On the NeoDash homepage, click New Dashboard to begin creating a dashboard.

▶ Configure Connection Information

▶ Set Cypher Queries for Reports and Run Them

Stopping Docker Containers After Testing

Once you have completed testing or no longer need the services running, stop the Docker containers to free up resources:

docker stop neodash
docker stop <puppygraph_container_name>
Replace puppygraph_container_name with the actual container name used when launching PuppyGraph.