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The edge schema defines how PuppyGraph edge maps to the catalog.

labelstringA user-provided name for reference in queries
fromstringThe from vertex label
tostringThe to vertex label
mappedTableSourceMappedTableSourceSchemaSpecifies how edge maps to catalog
attributes[]AttributeSchemaSpecifies additional attribute for queries


catalogstringCatalog name matches the specified catalog schema.
schemastringSchema name matches the schema inside the catalog.
tablestringTable name matches the table inside the catalog.
metaFields{"id": "<string_value>", "from": "<string_value>", "to": "<string_value>"}
  • id - The edge id fields inside the data source table. The id field must be string and unique.
  • from, to - The from, to fields inside the data source table. The from and to field must be the id of the specified vertex.


namestringThe field name. The name must match the field name inside the data source table.
typestringThe data type of the attribute. Please refer to the for specifications.