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Weakly Connected Components


The Weakly Connected Components (WCC) algorithm identifies connected components within a directed graph, disregarding edge direction.


The algorithm produces the following fields:

Field Name Description
id The ID of the vertex (node)
componentId A generated integer ID representing the component of the vertex

Query Example

CALL algo.wcc({
    labels: ['User'],
    relationshipTypes: ['LINK'],
    seedProperty: 'name',
    threshold: 1.0,
    maxIterations: 30,
    minComponentSize: 5
    }) YIELD id, componentId
RETURN id, componentId
    .setParams("weight", "amount", "threshold", 10.0)


Name Description Required Default Value
labels Specifies the node labels to include in the algorithm Yes
relationshipTypes Specifies the relationship types to include Yes
maxIterations Maximum number of iterations No 30
relationshipWeightProperty Defines the property name for edge weights No
threshold Minimum edge weight value for it to be included in the algorithm No 0.0
seedProperty The node property used as the seed for the component ID No "id"
minComponentSize Minimum size of the components to be returned No 0
Method Description Required Default Value
vertices(String... names) Specifies the vertex labels to include Yes
edges(String... names) Specifies the edge labels to include Yes
maxIteration(int n) Sets the maximum iteration count No 30
setParams(Object... args) Adds additional parameters using alternating keys and values No see below

Additional parameter keys in setParams

Key Description Default Value
weight Specifies the edge weight property or a constant value as weight 1.0
threshold Minimum edge weight value for it to be included in the algorithm 0.0
seedProperty The vertex property used as the component ID seed "id"
minComponentSize Minimum size of the components to be returned 0

Exporting Query Results

For large datasets, export the results to object storage:

EXPORT TO 's3://my_bucket/target_dir'
  catalog: 'puppygraph_catalog_name'
CALL algo.wcc({
    labels: ['User'],
    relationshipTypes: ['LINK'],
    relationshipWeightProperty: 'weight',
    threshold: 1.0
    }) YIELD id, componentId
RETURN id, componentId
            .setParams("weight", "amount", "threshold", 10.0)
  "exportTo": "s3://my_bucket/target_dir",
  "catalog": "puppygraph_catalog_name"